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2000 - PRESENT

Gyeonggi Arts Center
  1. Jun. 202130th anniversary of the Gyeonggi Arts Center
  2. Mar. 2020Name changed to Gyeonggi Arts Center(경기아트센터) and BI updated. Seasonal repertoire introduced
  3. Sep. 2018Reopening of the Gyeonggi Arts Center
  4. 2018Renovation of facilities
  5. Jun. 201410th anniversary of the Gyeonggi Arts Center
  6. Jan. 2009Incorporation of the Gyeonggi Arts Company
  7. Jul. 2004Opening of the Gyeonggi Gugak Center
  8. Jun. 2004Foundation of the Gyeonggi Arts Center

1990 - 1999

  1. Jan. 1997Foundation of the Gyeonggi Philharmonic Orchestra
  2. Jan. 1996Foundation of the Gyeonggi Traditional Music Orchestra
  3. Jan. 1993Foundation of the Gyeonggido Dance Company
  4. Jun. 1991Opening of the Gyeonggi-do Culture and Arts Center
  5. Jan. 1990Foundation of the Gyeonggido Theatre Company
Gyeonggi Arts Center