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Booking Guide

We provide friendly, high-quality customer services to all Gyeonggi Arts Center visitors and offer convenient access to facilities to ensure a comfortable performance viewing experience.

Advance ticket reservations for the Gyeonggi Arts Center are provided through InterparkTicket.


How to Book

How to Book

Category, Channel, Opening Hours, Charge

Category Channel Opening Hours Charge
Internet GGAC website 24 hr a day None
ticket.interpark.com 24 hr a day None
Telephone +82-1544-2344 Weekday 10:00 ~ 18:00
weekend/public holiday 10:00 ~ 17:00
KRW 1,000

Reservation fees are waived for free members who book their tickets online through the Arts Center website.

Reservation Cancellations

Reservation Cancellations

Performance Date, Reservation Cancellations and Changes, Notices

Performance Date Reservation Cancellations
and Changes
Monday to Saturday, public holidays Available up until 5 PM on the day before the performance.
  • Reservation cancellations/changes and refunds are not available after the date of the performance has already passed, and are not available after 5 PM (or 11 AM on Saturdays) the day before the performance, or on the actual day of the performance.
  • If Saturday is a public holiday, reservation changes/cancellations may only be made up until 11 AM.
Sunday Available up until 11 AM on the Saturday.
  • Reservation cancellations/changes and refunds are not available after the date of the performance has already passed, and are not available after 5 PM (or 11 AM on Saturdays) the day before the performance, or on the actual day of the performance.
  • If Saturday is a public holiday, reservation changes/cancellations may only be made up until 11 AM.

Cancellation Fee

Cancellation Fee

Category, Cancellation Fee, Notices

Category Cancellation Fee Notices
For cancellations made within 7 days of the initial reservation None
  • No refunds will be given for cancellations made on the day of the performance.
  • Any cancellation made within 10 days of the performance date (regardless of whether the reservation was made within the past 7 days), is subject to the cancellation fees outlined above.
  • Once a cancellation has been made, the corresponding refund will be made before midnight the same day as the cancellation; no refunds will be made after this time.
  • Cancellations are not available if the corresponding cancellation deadline has already passed.
For cancellations made within 8~
10 days of the initial reservation
- For tickets to musicals, concerts, and classical concerts (etc.): 4,000 won
- For tickets to plays and exhibitions (etc.): 2,000 won
(The above cancellation fees cannot exceed 10% of the ticket price.)
7 to 9 days before the performance 10% of the ticket price
3 to 6 days before the performance 20% of the ticket price
1 to 2 days before the performance 30% of the ticket price
  • No refunds will be given for cancellations made on the day of the performance.
  • Any cancellation made within 10 days of the performance date (regardless of whether the reservation was made within the past 7 days), is subject to the cancellation fees outlined above.
  • Once a cancellation has been made, the corresponding refund will be made before midnight the same day as the cancellation; no refunds will be made after this time.
  • Cancellations are not available if the corresponding cancellation deadline has already passed.
  • If the ticket payment has been made by electronic deposit, the full refund amount will be made, minus a transfer fee of 500 won.
  • If the ticket payment has been made by card, the method and date of your refund will depenend on the date and time of the cancellation and your card company’s refund policy.
  • If you have already received a ticket by delivery or advance reservation, your ticket cannot be cancelled online or by phone. Physical tickets must be returned to the Gyeonggi Art Center Infoshop or the InterparkTicket Customer Center before the cancellation deadline.Once requested, the cancellation will be processed, and the cancellation fee (if applicable) will be charged based on the date on which the ticket was received.
  • Since tickets have monetary value, they cannot be changed or cancelled if they have been lost or damaged after receipt.
  • Reservation changes can be made by cancelling your existing reservation and making a new reservation. Discounts are applied at the time of re-reservation/payment.
  • All discounts are applied based on each individual guest. Guests who are not eligible for the discounts claimed/applied during their ticket reservation, or who are not able to show proof of their discount eligibility, must pay the difference between the discounted ticket price and the full ticket price on the date of the performance.