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Booking Guide

경기아트센터 외관

We provide cordial, high-quality customer services to all Gyeonggi Arts Center visitors, and offer convenient access to facilities to ensure a memorable performance viewing experience.

Advance ticket bookings for the Gyeonggi Arts Center are provided on Interpark Ticket.

TEL +82-031-230-3440

How to Book

How to Book

Category, Channel, Opening Hours, Charge

Category Channel Opening Hours Charge
Internet GGAC website 24 hr a day None
ticket.interpark.com 24 hr a day None
Telephone +82-1544-2344 Weekday 10:00 ~ 18:00
weekend/public holiday 10:00 ~ 17:00
KRW 1,000

Reservation fees are waived for free members who book their tickets online through the Arts Center website.

Booking Cancellations and Changes Guide

Cancellation Deadline
Booking Cancellations and Changes Guide
Operating day Open times to cancel or change booking Remark
Monday to Saturday, Public Holidays Open until 5 p.m. the day before the performances
  • Booking cancellations, changes and refunds are not available after 5 p.m. (or 11 a.m. on Saturdays) the day before the performance or the same day of performance.
  • If Saturday is a public holiday, booking changes and cancellations may only be made up until 11 a.m.
Sunday Open until 11 a.m. on Saturday.
  • Booking cancellations, changes and refunds are not available after 5 p.m. (or 11 a.m. on Saturdays) the day before the performance or the same day of performance.
  • If Saturday is a public holiday, booking changes and cancellations may only be made up until 11 a.m.

Cancellation Fees

Cancellation Fee

Category, Cancellation Fee, Notice

Category Cancellation Fee Notice
Within 7 days of the initial booking None
  • Booking fee will not be refunded except for cancellation on the day of booking.
  • Any cancellation made within 10 days of the performance date is subject to the respective cancellation fee, even if booking was made within the past 7 days.
  • Once a cancellation has been made, the refund will be made before midnight on the same day as the cancellation, with no refunds to be made after this time.
  • Cancellation is not permitted if the respective deadline has already expired.
Within 8 to 10 days of the initial booking - For tickets to musicals, concerts, and classical concerts (etc.): KRW 4,000
- For tickets to plays and exhibitions (etc.): KRW 2,000
(But cancellation fees will be within 10% of the ticket price.)
7 to 9 days before the performance day 10% of the ticket price
3 to 6 days before the performance day 20% of the ticket price
1 to 2 days before the performance day 30% of the ticket price
  • Booking fee will not be refunded except for cancellation on the day of booking.
  • Any cancellation made within 10 days of the performance date is subject to the respective cancellation fee, even if booking was made within the past 7 days.
  • Once a cancellation has been made, the refund will be made before midnight on the same day as the cancellation, with no refunds to be made after this time.
  • Cancellation is not permitted if the respective deadline has already expired.


  • If the ticket payment has been made by bank transfer, the full refund amount will be made, with a KRW 500 transfer fee deducted.
  • If the ticket payment has been made by credit card, the method and date of the refund will depend on the date and time of the cancellation and the card issuer’s own refund policy.
  • If you have already received a ticket by delivery or visit to the ticket office, your ticket cannot be canceled online or by phone. Printed tickets must be returned to the Gyeonggi Arts Center Info shop or the Interpark Ticket Customer Center before the cancellation deadline. On request, the cancellation will be processed, and the cancellation fee (if any) will be incurred based on the date on which the ticket was received.
  • As certificates of monetary value, tickets cannot be changed or canceled if they have been lost or damaged after receipt.
  • Booking changes can be made by cancelling your existing booking and making a new one. Discounts are applied at the time of re-booking payment.
  • All discounts are applied based on the individual customer. Customers who are ineligible for the discounts claimed/applied during their ticket booking, or who are not able to show proof of their discount eligibility, must pay the difference between the discounted ticket price and the full ticket price on the date of performance.